Solar Heating Thermal Oil Heater

A worldwide solar water heating system has been attracting the attention of the policy makers due to its potential to reduce Electricity consumption and consequent amission reduction the Solar System has is connected with feed water and hot water byplants that in turn are interconnected with the backup system the system has specialised TS coil type receiver which hit the water to desired temperature the hot water generator in rivers due to solar energy goes to the boiler or send to the process wherever it is required we have specialised in thermal fluid heater hot water generator All industries whether small or big their maximum expenses are of formal energy energy for any process application our most experienced team understand various application which requires energy in different forms by different industries including tourism sector hence the company solution can be integrated with the current system application can be in all kind of industry of any thermal applications may be it be hot air thermal producing system joint boiler and pressurise hot water system application in all industrial process using thermal energy.

Solar parabolic concentrator of 32m2/concentrate solar rays on one receiver each. The themic fluid heater is heated in receiver due to solar solar energy goes to the hot oil storage tank. The system is connected with thermic fluid storage tank & hot oil circulating pump pipeline that in turn are inner connected circuit with the process equipment for better utilisation.

There are several static concentrators reflecting / concentrating solar rays on one receiver each. The steam generated in receiver dut to solar energy goes to steam header. The system connected with feed water & steam pipeline that in turn inter connected with the system. We are specialized in higher altitudes heating equipment.

Advantage of solar thermal systems

  • no use of traditional and pollution source of energy for thermal application
  • no recurring transportation problem for energy needs
  • no running cost
  • very low maintenance cost
  • very clean and hygienic environment at workplace
  • reducing fuel consumption will help you in maintaining the top csr and green solution
  • 3 dimension people planet and profit
  • help to reduce greenhouse gases a mission to great extent over the years
  • help to increasing equal efficiency eco efficiency sustainable production